The Party Gathers At Temple Keep

The Hellgate adventure has begun...

Colin Sath, Great Druid of the lands near the New City of Ipsar, was gifted with a message from the gods. Fearing a potential disaster, he went into Ipsar and asked Duke Sing Dure to send him and his friends to Temple Keep in the desert. With the duke's permission, Colin gathered his henchmen and long time friend Quivalis Sath, and Quivalis gathered his followers and a few more friends, and they all teleported to the Kasadi desert.

In Kasadi, Min Chung (a High Priest of Ademis) and his followers toiled to finish the Hellgate Complex. Sometime after Colin Sath and his party arrived, they learned about the Hellgate. It is a massive subterranean structure designed to free the god Ademis from his prison in the pit of Hell. Colin and his friends were somewhat concerned when they learned this.

At dawn, after the party from Ipsar arrived, the warrior queen Dharistra and her henchwomen attacked beyond the keep walls to free the slaves held there. With giant strength, Dharistra freed tens of slaves who escaped into the desert. But Dharistra and two of her followers were captured. Aegmir Balistor, occult consultant for the Hellgate, led the warrior women back to the keep to face Min Chung's judgment. In the courtyard, Quivalis recognized Dharistra as a good friend from long ago.

Min Chung and his advisors decide that a party must pass through the Hellgate before it is completed. They must find Ademis and ask him directly for instructions and to confirm the wisdom of completing the Hellgate project. So Chung and his advisors, Colin and his party, and Dharistra and her warriors all enter the Hellgate and are transported to Malbolge. They arrive on the 6th Hell in a great angular cavern, with sulfurous smelling air, and must fight off a swarm of angry evil bats. Aegmir leads the party toward a distant exit.

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